Sergio Flores Velez
Central Washington University Student
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Senior Project
Original Design
Testing the device will come in three different areas and then a final analysis. First we will test the core reservoir, then the bucket lift, and then the conveyor system. After testing each component separately they will be assembled for a final test inspection to check that the device can work as one.
Testing the core reservoir will consist of its capacity, bending due to weight, and if cores will move through the agitator door. The capacity of the reservoir will be a visual measurement. A pallet contains 525 paper cores, if dimensions and calculations were done as intended than the reservoir should not overflow. Bending due to weight will be measured when full assembly is in place. The height from the floor to the bottom beam of the reservoir will be measured with a measuring tape to the nearest eight or sixteenth. After the cores are put in the same height will be measured again and based on deflection it will be compared to the predicted calculations.
Next, will be the testing of the lift. First we will check to see if it will be able to support the combined weight of the buckets and cores. Also visual inspection to check that buckets rotate around a large enough radius to avoid collision between buckets.
Similarly, the conveyor system will be a visual inspection of moving parts and clearance of gaps to avoid cores falling or jamming the conveyor. The selected conveyor will be a variable speed conveyor which will allow for adjustment depending on speed of film extruder. Ideally the output of the conveyor will be about 0:01:30 per 6 or 8 cores, but again it will depend on how fast the line will be ran at during each shift.
10th Scale
Testing for the scale model will be similar to the original plan of the project.
Testing the core reservoir, will be the same as explained above. Bending due to weight of cores will not be a part of the testing for the scale model, being that it will be a small scale and the material of the reservoir will be of ABS plastic.
Testing the bucket lift will also be similar in the visual inspections. Mostly, it will be to see and assure that the system will rotate and lift buckets in a linear profile. This part of the model will also aid in assuring that the bucket bends are sufficient enough to keep the cores (straws in this case) inside the bucket.
The conveyor will also be similar to the original scale model. Visual inspection of the moving parts will be part of the testing as well as positioning of the conveyor by the bucket lift.
Click on the link below for full Test Report. Some results of testing are also shown below.